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Bagratunyac st, 70/23
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9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Monday - Friday

Sikafloor 161


Sikafloor 161 is a high grade , high build multipur-pose epoxy resin which can be used as surface sealeror scratch coat with and without the addition of thesuitable quartz sand or filler .

Sikafloor 161 may only be used by experienced pro-fessionals. 
Priming concrete substrates, cement screeds andepoxy mortars
For low to medium absorbent substrates
Epoxy primer under different bases of flooring sys-tems such as resin epoxy base , fully polyurethanesystems and polyurethane screeds
Intermediate layer underneath multi products suchFloor 92EG , Floor 92SL , Floor 264 , Floor 263SL ,Floor 359EG , Purcem , Gard rang
 May be mixed with sand to the desired consistencyto repair patches or form covings
Binder for levelling layers and mortar screeds

Used as well as for the filling of fissures and joints

▪Good penetration
Good bond strength
Economical and easily applied
Short waiting times

Multi-purpose use