Sika MonoTop 620
Sika MonoTop 620 is a polymer modified surfacing/
finishing structural repair mortar, ready to mix, meeting the requirements of class R3 of the EN 1504-3.
Sika MonoTop 620 can be applied with or withour a
reinforcement matt, over concrete or mortar surfaces
or over SikaTop or Sika Monotop mortars.
It is suitable for the following uses:
▪Use as a concrete/ mortar pore sealler or levelling
▪Thin layer render over vertical or horizontal structural elements
Repairing of minor defects (pores and honeycombed
▪ Restoration of edges and joints
Suitable for restoration work (Principle 3, method
3.1 and 3.3 of EN 1504-9)
▪ Easy to apply
▪ Class R3 of EN 1504-3
▪ Adjustable consistency to improve workability
▪Does not require a bonding primer even when manually applied
▪ Suitable for hand and machine application
▪ Low shrinkage behavior
▪ Non-corrosive
▪ A1 fire rating for the grey type