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Bagratunyac st, 70/23
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9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Monday - Friday

Sika Grout 316

Product Description

Sika Grout 316 is a cement based, flowable, expanding, high-precision
construction grout.


As a flowable grouting mortar in concrete, stone, mortar, steel, iron etc.:
To grout bearings, machine foundations, columns, joints in precast construction
To grout cavities, gaps and box-outs in concrete
To grout crane rails and tracks
To grout new reinforcement
To grout and fill cavities and voids in concrete, render, brickwork, rock, natural
stone etc.

Characteristics /Advantages
  • Easy to use (ready to mix – just add water)
  • Very good flow characteristics
  • Rapid strength development and high final strengths
  • Outstanding substrate adhesion
  • Expands by gas generation and chemical swelling in the first 24 hours
  • Plastic shrinkage compensated
  • Impact and vibration resistant, suitable for use around pre-stressed and post
  • tensioned steel
  • Non-corrosive
  • Fire rating A1