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Bagratunyac st, 70/23
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9:00 AM - 6:00 PM Monday - Friday

Sika-1 Plus


Sika-1 Plus is a liquid water resisting admixture used to
reduce the permeability of concrete. Used in combination with Viscocrete Superplasticiser Technology, watertight concrete can be produced which is suitable for
BS8102:2009 Type B construction (grades 1-3). It
meets the requirements of BS EN 934-2.


Sika-1 Plus has been specifically formulated to produce
high quality watertight concrete. Sika-1 Plus is used as a
constituent of the Sika WaterTight concrete system
and contact MUST be made with Sika Ltd to ensure
that full system compliance is achieved. This Technical
Data Sheet MUST be read in conjunction with Sika
publication Sika Technology and Concept for Watertight Construction.
▪ Water retaining structures
▪ Below ground structures
▪ Swimming pools
▪ Lift pits
▪ Tunnels


▪ Reduces water absorption
▪ Reduces water penetration


Conforms to the requirements of BS EN 934-2 Table 9
DoP 02 07 05 04 001 0 000001 1088, certified by Factory Production Control Body 0086, Certificate 541325,
and provided with the CE mark